Hello 2023!

I do believe in setting goals and making resolutions for the New Year. It gives me a focus for the year and a way to measure my progress.
There is a difference between a resolution and a goal that most people tend to miss. A goal is a concrete achievement. It’s very specific. One of the things we teach in our professional development courses is how to set a SMART goal.
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Relevant
- Timed
For example, if I’m setting a weight loss goal, I would say something like “I will weigh less than 215lbs by June 14.” I set a specific target, one that is measurable on a scale, and that involves a reasonable amount of time to achieve, and that has a deadline.
I left out relevant, and that’s because ‘relevant’ relates to a resolution.
Resolutions are not as cut and dried. They’re messy, hard to measure, and tend to be broader. For example, “I resolve to live a healthier lifestyle in 2023.” You see how that is not a SMART goal? But it still has meaning.
My goals must be relevant to my resolutions.
So here are my resolutions along with some goals for 2023.
- Be kind.
- Go out of my way to greet people
- Help others whenever the opportunity presents itself
- Swallow my pride
- Forgive offenses
- Be healthy
- Weigh <215 by June 14
- End all heart meds by June 14
- Exercise 1 hour 3 times per week
- Be appreciative of the efforts of those around me
- Praise freely; criticize sparingly
- Expand my horizons
- Learn a song every week on the ukulele
- Record and post one each month
- Learn a new language
- Finish my arcade controller
- Grow as a writer
- Complete 52 short stories by Dec 31.
- Complete 4 novels to final edit by Dec 31.
- Publish collection of the best short stories by Oct 1.
- Submit to 12 open call anthologies by Dec 31
- Submit to WOTF every quarter I am eligible
- Submit to both Baen contests
- Record and publish 12 audio stories
- Love
Any effort that intended for one’s betterment and the improvement of those you interact with is laudable. That you are specific in your goals is even better.