Rich Hailey – Writer
Snippets, News, Reviews, and other stuff.
Proud member of team “And More!” My first sale!
Titans Rising is a manifesto combined with a how-to book on writing and publishing. I am not exaggerating when I say it may be the most important book on how to succeed in today’s everchanging climate. Independent presses are springing up everywhere. Amazon has crashed the gates of traditional publishing and the few major houses left standing are reeling, trying desperately to hold onto control of the market.
And failing.
My name is Rich Hailey and I write stuff for a living. Until now, most of my writing has been technical in nature, training documents, work procedures, reports, and technical manuals. But recently, I’ve decided that it’s time I tried my hand at fiction.
This blog will be a big part of that.
So far, I have one professional sale, but I hope to change that fairly rapidly. So pull up a chair and let me spin a yarn or two.