The Folks who gave so generously of their time and resources to contribute to Titans Rising aren’t stopping there. They’re happy to share what they’ve learned to new writers (like me) and listed resources and contact information in their respective chapters. As promised, here is a list of those resources. While this list is extremely helpful, without the context you get from the book, you’ll miss out on a lot of the value. In other words, don’t skip the book for the Cliff Notes.
Writer and Publisher Resources of the Titans
(*=multiple recommendations; items in italics are contact information)
- Chris Kennedy Publishing
- Stanford Publishing Course
- Publishers Weekly
- Superstars Writing Seminars*
- 20Booksto50K*
- 20booksto50kconference*
- www.mountaindalepress
- Facebook: The Devine Dungeon
- Amazon Dakota Krout
- Chicago Manual of Style, or any Style guide really.
- the
- the Keystroke Medium podcast
- Aethon Books
- Tim C Taylor
- Lydia Sherrer
- badashpublishing
- Conundrum Publishing
- The Bestseller Code
- Front Line Publishing Inc
All of the resources above come from the stories told by the Titans of Titans Rising, or are ways to learn from the Titans themselves.
It’s certainly a great place to get started learning how to do what they have already done.